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海外との連携 International Partnerships

更新日:2019年12月10日更新 印刷ページ表示

交流協定  International Exchange Agreements


Through exchange agreements with overseas universities we can strengthen international
cooperation and develop nurses and nurse educators who are active from a global perspective.

フィリピン大学マニラ校 平成31年3月~
Agreement with  the University of the Philippines,Manila (2019-2023)

Signing an Agreement for Collaborative Programs between our college and the University of
the Philippines,Manila.

フィリピン大学マニラ校 協定締結(日本語) [PDFファイル/213KB]

2019 University of the Philippines College of Nursing MoU (English) [PDFファイル/723KB]


ラ・ソース大学 平成30年3月~
Agreement with the University of La Source, (2018-2022)                                                         


Signing an Agreement for Collaborative Programs between our college and the University of
La Source.

ラ・ソース大学 協定締結(日本語) [PDFファイル/321KB]

2018 La Source University,Switzerland,MoU(English) [PDFファイル/333KB]


コロラド大学(アメリカ) 平成23年4月~平成28年3月
Agreement with the University of Colorado, Denver, (2011-2016)


Signing an Agreement for Collaborative Programs between our college and the University of
Colorado, Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus College of Nursing. Dean Patricia Moritz represented
the University of Colorado at the signing ceremony.


海外からの来訪者 International Visitors

スイス   Switzerland

● Welcoming visiting faculty from University of La Source, Switzerland

フィリピン   The Philippines

● Welcoming visiting faculty from the University of the Philippines Manila and Philippine Red


大韓民国   South Korea

● Welcoming visiting students from Kyungnam University, South Korea


タイ   Thailand

● Welcoming visiting faculty from the Thai Red Cross College of Nursing


● Conducting a guided tour of our facilities before discussing disaster relief work with a
specialist in Disaster Relief Nursing from Thailand's Institute of Nursing, Suranaree University
of Technology.


アメリカ   The USA

● Welcoming visiting researchers from the University of Tennessee, who discussed disaster
nursing research and practice.


スウェーデン   Sweden

● Welcoming students from the Swedish Red Cross (2010)


● Welcoming students from the Swedish Red Cross (2009)


インドネシア   Indonesia

● Welcoming a delegation from the STIKES Medical College and the Negara National General
Hospital, Bali Indonesia


ポーランド   Poland

● Welcoming a visiting researcher from Rzeszow University, Poland, who spent two weeks here
as an intern, studying nursing in Japan, and giving presentations on 'Midwifery & Nursing in Poland'
and 'Transcultural Nursing'


アフガニスタン   Afghanistan

● Welcoming delegates from the Afghan Red Crescent Society, on a study tour to learn about
the activities of the Japanese Red Cross



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